Black Pearl
Black Pearl Rehmannia Six Formula Liu Wei Di Huang Wan 六味地黃丸
The formula is highly regarded by herbal doctors in China, where one may frequently observe the routine use of its ingredients in the treatment of patients with Kidney Yin deficiency.
Paradoxically, deficiency of the Kidney Yin does not immediately lead to deficiency of the Kidney Yang, even though the Yang depends on the Yin as its substrate. Instead, there can be a tendency for the Yang to become hyperactive because of a lack of the restraining, or counterbalancing, effect of the Kidney Yin. This may lead to signs of Heat.
Paradoxically, deficiency of the Kidney Yin does not immediately lead to deficiency of the Kidney Yang, even though the Yang depends on the Yin as its substrate. Instead, there can be a tendency for the Yang to become hyperactive because of a lack of the restraining, or counterbalancing, effect of the Kidney Yin. This may lead to signs of Heat.
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